Monday, April 16, 2012

God is the Masterful Architect

Creation reveals the master hand of the Designer. Blind chance is not the author. Taking an honest, intelligent look at creation will agree that there is nothing left to chance. Creation is governed by fixed laws and these laws apply to the most minute cell, to the highest forms of life as well as all things seen and unseen. There is an intelligent purpose behind all creation and yet the science of evolution (which in most institutions is taught as fact) has not given us any adequate reason for creation, why? because we have forgotten that truth is eternal and theories are based on the opinions of man. Webster defines theory as facts related to one another based on unproved assumption. Also theories are limited by time as seen by the constant revisions made from age to age.

Notice that theories are based on "unproved assumptions." Could this be why when evolution is mentioned educators and evolutionists who believe in this twisted "unproved assumptions" try to avoid using the term "theory of evolution." They know as fact, that it cannot be proven through any means. In short, it is argued that fossil records and biology can prove that evolution is the basis of creation; that life evolved from non-life; and that life as we know it came to exist by chance. However, modern day advancements in technology have concluded beyond question or reasonable doubt, that evolution is a fallacy. I cannot speak for you, but it would take a whole lot of faith and a rejection of logic for me to believe the religion of evolution, especially when it has been PROVEN scientifically (an evolutionists means to test theory) to be false. So if evolution cannot be proven, then why is it taught as fact? The apostle Paul tells us...

"Because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things...who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever." Amen.
(Romans 1:21-25)

Every human being whether involved in religions other than a true form of Christianity or even if they profess to be atheist, know that something is not right, so they look for anything that will ease their conscience. Even though they know that Jehovah God exists, they refuse to acknowledge Him as God. But to appease their conscience some will believe that a higher power exists and thereby create a god in their own image, while other who emphatically deny the existence of God, resort to their futile thinking. In either case, they exchange the truth of God for a lie. Those who deny that God exists and yet are driven by the feeling that something is not right, fail to recognize the reason behind their quest. They refuse to believe that God blew His breath of life into the first created man and it was this breath that brought life into man. They cannot perceive that sin caused man to die spiritually and that "he has become flesh.” Nevertheless man still has a spirit and that spirit longs to connect with its creator and until it does, man will always be on a quest to find the answers to life. 

The apostle Paul tells us, "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For "who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?" But we have the mind of Christ." (1 Corinthians 2:14-16) Looking at verse 14, we know another reason why educators and evolutionist hold to the theory of evolution. However, looking at verse 15 and 16, I must ask this question. Why do Christians who use the public school system permit their children to be taught this lying nonsense? Do we get it? The public school system...It is public tax dollars that are paying the salaries of educators to teach Christian children "unproved assumptions" as fact. It id no wonder why so many people in the church today do not know God's true nature, purpose and will?     

I can remember several years ago when our oldest child attended public high school. Before she did, my wife (an educator) and I sought out the principle to discuss the schools curriculum and policies. The school district did teach evolution but our daughter was not subject to any classes that taught it. One of the things we accomplished was getting a student prayer group established with the aid of some Christian faculty members. I believe that it was this student prayer group that kept many of the problems that high schools face from escalating as well as keeping additional perverted curriculum from being taught. 

Next I tried to motivate church leaders from the thirty two churches within the school district at that time to converge on the sidewalk in front of the high school and pray against the "god of this age" that was blinding lost faculty, employees and students from the truth. Believe it or not, only eight people came to participate  (Two of which were my wife and I) and that was only one time (though my goal was to have a church presence at least once a week). Interestingly enough this one time event happened to be on (get this) the National Day of Prayer. There was not one other time that the church leaders (other than myself) took the initiative to be a presences at the high school.  

Another issue that we attacked was that of teenage sex (sex outside of marriage). My wife had developed a curriculum under the guise of "Character Development."  Within the curriculum the issue of sex was a major point of discussion and hidden within that topic was also the issue of abortion (I say hidden within because if blatant then the proponents of abortion would have certainly rejected it). Unfortunately the curriculum was rejected even though it would be strictly voluntary on the part of students and it was to be taught by Christian educators that would volunteer their time. The unfortunate thing was not just that the curriculum was rejected by the school district, it was that the churches in the area did not want to get involved.     

I am not at all trying to toot my own horn. I am concerned with why the church is silent. I am concerned as to why Christians complain but do nothing beyond that. If the church is Gods vehicle to "turn the world upside down;" if the church is backed by the power of God; if it is Gods desire that all people be saved; if the authority of Christ has been delegated to the church, then why is it so difficult to muster a large number of Christians to make our presences known and not only pray down these dark forces but get involved in the community, such as; being on the town/city council or Board of Education, and the like. Let us be honest, we know why. Comfortable Christianity is more appealing than stepping out of the "comfort zone" and believing God. With that said, I only have one last question to ask which Jesus asked several times and one that I ask myself to keep me tracking with Him, "Where is your faith?"    

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