Monday, May 28, 2012

Let Us Remember

Today the USA observes Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed annually in the USA on the last Monday of May. Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Originally it was known as Decoration Day and was established after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union soldiers who died in the Civil War. Eventually Memorial Day became a day to honor all Americans who have died in all wars.

It does not matter what your stances is concerning war, the bottom line is, Americans who perished in war gave their lives to secure the freedoms that we enjoy in the USA. Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." (John 15:13) Although, you may not no one person whose life was lost in war, those who have died have made the ultimate sacrifice.  So it is right for you and I to remember what they did.  Unfortunately, Memorial Day no longer seems to have the impact that it once did. Like many people do, we take for granted what others have done and in this case, the freedoms that others have helped to secure for us.

Christians also have a Memorial Day, we call it Easter. It is the Christian Holiday where we honor the One who gave His life so that we can have incomprehensible freedom. Not freedom from a human tyrant, but freedom from the things that human weapons are useless against. The ultimate freedom. Freedom from sin and Satan. But like Memorial Day, many Christians also take for granted what Christ has done. The freedoms that we have in Jesus should cause Christians to celebrate the resurrected life every day.

The verse above is found within Jesus final instruction to His disciples hours before He would be put to death. It begins in John chapter 13 and concludes in chapter 17. These chapters all filled with instruction, not only for the disciples but "for those who would believe in Jesus through their words." (I challenge you to take the time and slowly read these chapters through) A summary of these chapters reveal how believers are to serve on another; how believers are to replicate the very things that Jesus said and did during His ministry on earth as the incarnate Son of God; the believers connection with Him and the Father; the Holy Spirit who would eventually come to empower; and to believe that if we ask the Father in the name of Jesus, He would give, that the believers joy be full; and then Jesus concludes with a prayer.

If you read these chapters, you will find that we are not only to remember what Jesus said and did, but we are to act upon His Word and enforce these things in His name. There is a world whom Jesus has provided freedom for, that is waiting to hear about this incredible freedom that Jesus has secured. The church must stop taking its commission as well as its commander for granted and once again win souls and make disciples. Let's help the unbeliever to have a Memorial Day every day also. All we have to do is have faith. Jesus said, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." (Mark 9:23)       

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