Monday, March 14, 2022

What A Comprehensive Redemption

God's brilliant plan of redemption is so far reaching, and unfortunately far to many Christians have limited it to only the forgiveness of sin and a trip to heaven at the end of this life.  The word redemption itself means, deliverance upon payment of ransom; to rescue. For Christians it carries with it, deliverance from sin through the incarnation, sufferings, and death of Christ. Deliverance means, to rescue from bondage; to rescue from moral corruption or evil. This is the price that Jesus paid for humanity. The hope of heaven is just that, it is future. But while we are on this earth we have been delivered, we have been set free from all the bondage, corruption and evil that has come upon the earth through Satan.

Sickness and disease is bondage! To be in bondage is to be bound by, subjected to, or under the influence of an external power. That external power is Satan. How did Satan get this power to hold humanity in bondage? It started in the Garden of Eden when Satan approached the woman as a serpent and deliberately challenged God's Word to deceive her. (Genesis 3:1) Once she allowed her mind to reason, it was all but over for her. The Bible records that the woman was deceived (I Timothy 2:13-15) She believed the lie of Satan instead of God’s Word. However, Adam sin was a deliberate choice. He sinned knowingly. (Genesis 3:6) Due to his position as the representative of all mankind, his sin was therefore charged to the entire human race. (Romans 5:12-21)

In both Genesis 1:26-30 and Psalm 8:3-8 we see that God gave Adam control over creation. In a sense, Adam was the god of the world. However, the Gospel according to Luke records the temptations of Christ. It is here that we see the result of Adam's treason concerning God's original plan for man in man's God given responsibility to have dominion over God's work of creation. "Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.” (Luke 4:5-7) Notice that the kingdom's of the world had been delivered to Satan. Adam's act of treason was just that. He forfeited his dominion, authority and control of "The work of God's hands" into the hands of Satan. The Bible tells us that now Satan is the god of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Although Satan is the God of this world, God's incredible plan of redemption came to earth. The Word of God, God the Word became flesh (John 1:1, 14) to save the world, to bring salvation. (John 3:16)

However, taking a closer look at the words save, saved and salvation that we find in the Bible, we see that they have far greater meaning that most believers have come to know. The Greek Words that are translated salvation and saved in most English versions of the Bible are a form of the Greek word sozo. Various forms of this word are used more than 100 times in the New Testament. Although most churches and ministries tend to limit the words salvation and saved to the rebirth experience. However, the full meaning of this word goes beyond just being born again and going to heaven. A more complete meaning of sozo is; to save; deliver; protect; preserve; be made whole; to cure; to be made well; to heal. As we can see, sickness and disease have been dealt with through the redemption that God has brought to humanity through Jesus Christ. PTL..

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